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Products For
Aquatics Centers, Swim Clubs & Schools
Athletic Teams & Institutions
Physical Therapists
Senior Living
Spas & Wellness Centers
All Pools & Plunges
SwimEx Difference
Paddlewheel Current
Pool Construction
SwimEx vs Endless Pools
Professional Pools vs Competition
Underwater Treadmill
About Us
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Hydrotherapy Room Design
Professional Pool Gallery
Residential Pool Gallery
SwimEx Pool Features & Options
Swim Spa Installation
Products For
Aquatics Centers, Swim Clubs & Schools
Athletic Teams & Institutions
Physical Therapists
Senior Living
Spas & Wellness Centers
All Pools & Plunges
SwimEx Difference
Paddlewheel Current
Pool Construction
SwimEx vs Endless Pools
Professional Pools vs Competition
Underwater Treadmill
About Us
Residential Design & Inspiration
Hydrotherapy Room Design
Professional Pool Gallery
Residential Pool Gallery
SwimEx Pool Features & Options
Swim Spa Installation
ROI Calculator
Let's start by selecting the model that most interests you:
Model *
Triton - Entry-level flat bottom pool with seats
400 T Series - Flat bottom pool with paddlewheel current
500 T Series - Therapy pool with 50" water depth and performance zones
600 T Series - Therapy pool with 4' and 5' water depth and performance zones
800 T Series - Deepest flat bottom pool with paddlewheel current
1000 T Series - Largest flat bottom pool with up to 10 performance zones and 30" depth paddlewheel current
Average Reimbursement Rate (per pool) *
Average revenue per patient per session based on 15 minute increments (Do not include "$")
Estimate of the average number of hydrotherapy patients per day for the first 6 months *
Once your program is established and the program is at optimal level, estimate of the average number of patients per day *
Cost of Physical Therapist per session based on 15 minutes increments *
(Do not include "$")
Cost per square footage* SwimEx Pools can be installed above ground. If a facility is leasing space, the square footage cost will be lower
(Do not include "$").
Chemical/Utility Cost* Cost reflects running the water current at top speed for 8 hours a day and health codes that require operating the filter pump 24 hours a day
(Do not include "$").
Tell us about yourself
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Company/Organization Name *
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