Foot Surgery Rehab with Hydrotherapy Speeds Athlete’s Recovery
New England Patriots offensive line got a lot stronger when Thomas Austin (#65) returned to the field following an ankle sprain and speedy foot surgery
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There’s nothing worse for an athlete than being sidelined by an injury. With aquatic therapy, the weightlessness of water creates an ideal environment to stay conditioned during injury rehabilitation. Athletes can continue to workout at an intense level without risking further damage or injury.
The properties of water: buoyancy, viscosity, and hydrostatic pressure are key factors in hydrotherapy success. Another important hydrotherapy tool for rehabilitation is a hot plunge pool. The warm water helps loosen muscles for better rehab and conditioning sessions.
* Read how a Florida recovery clinic is helping patients with injuries to their spinal cord recover with hydrotherapy.
New England Patriots offensive line got a lot stronger when Thomas Austin (#65) returned to the field following an ankle sprain and speedy foot surgery
Most injuries must heal completely before returning to a work-out routine, compete in a game, or resume normal use. But letting injuries heal often means
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As a medical professional, you know that any ankle sprain should be taken seriously – no matter how seemingly insignificant an injury the patient thinks it is.
Playing sports, walking downstairs, running outside on icy ground, even just going out to grab the mail – these are a few of the many