Browse our collection of hydrotherapy videos, including rehabilitation from injury and surgery, treating health conditions, aquatic exercises, and videos about the benefits of a SwimEx hydrotherapy pool.
Rehab videos
Walking backward on underwater treadmill
Single Leg Balance Progression
Single leg squats
Single leg balance with running arms
Flutter kick progression
Deep water flutter kick
Lateral walking on treadmill
Marching on treadmill
Skip on Treadmill
Single leg step-ups or step-downs
Single leg squats with dumbell
Single leg hop to stabilization
Core rotation progression
Core basketball drill
Core dumbbell press
Banded hip extensions
Jumps to squat and stabilization
Tuck jumps
Knee extension
Jumps with pivot
Achilles tendon early mobility exercises
Achilles tendon weight bearing progression
Achilles tendon rehab incorporating 3DMAPS®
Achilles tendon rehab for early ambulation
Addressing shoulder mobility deficits
Biofeedback to improve shoulder movement
Eccentric strengthening for shoulders
Shoulder exercises using resistance current
Shoulder stability
Running form without current
Running form with current
Running form on angled pad
Rehab success stories
Athlete back rehab success in SwimEx pool
Aqua therapy for spinal injury success story
Hydrotherapy benefits – Sterling Physical Therapy
Hydrotherapy back and balance rehabilitation
Treating health conditions
Hydrotherapy helps CP patient at Seabury Retirement Community
Hydrotherapy exercise videos
Core: stabilization
Core: stability and back extension
Aquatic barbell sit-ups
Aquatic kickboard exercises
Aqua yoga
Tennis workout in a SwimEx resistance pool
Baseball workout in a SwimEx resistance pool
Hockey workout in a SwimEx resistance pool
Group exercise for seniors in SwimEx 1000T pool
Aquatic shoulder and bicep stretch
The SwimEx difference
SwimEx swim spa swimming strokes
Largest SwimEx pool for ultimate hydrotherapy
Zero-entry multi-depth platform SwimEx pool
SwimEx power and performance
Why SwimEx
SwimEx pool workstations
Free Guide
Hydrotherapy For Athletes
The ultimate guide for designing and planning a room for your athletes from start to finish.