We received this great email from one of our customers:
“My wife (Mary) and I purchased a 400 series SwimEx current pool in 1990, the first one installed in Vermont, and I thought you might want to share our experience with your residential customers. Most of your blog posts are newer models and very attractive, but I think something else is very important – reliability. We are very impressed with the low maintenance and reliability of this 30-year-old machine!” – John

We had the opportunity to speak with John, and he offered some additional details about his SwimEx experience.
For 30 years, John did triathlons, so swimming was always important. John and Mary live in rural Vermont, and so they didn’t want to have to drive a long way to get to the nearest public pool.
When they were redoing their house, they decided that they wanted a lap pool. They came across SwimEx, and saw the opportunity to get a swim spa that could fit in a smaller space.
“I did a lot of research, looking at both SwimEx and Endless Pools,” John said. John is an engineer, so he studied the mechanisms for both. “Once I saw the paddlewheel, it was a no-brainer.” They designed the room for the SwimEx, and had no problems with the installation.
SwimEx current pool reliability
John and Mary continue to be impressed with the reliability of the current pool. They had to replace the circulating pump system after 25 years, but nothing on the SwimEx itself has failed, except for one grommet (at a cost of about $1.50) that fits between the pool frame and the motor to stabilize it at start-up. They’ve also had no leaks, except for the time John forgot the water was on and overfilled it!
About 6 years ago, John developed an allergic reaction to chlorine and bought an ozone generator that was recommended by SwimEx. The itchiness went away on day one of the conversion.
John does all of the maintenance himself and sticks with a schedule. He thought for sure that the variable speed drive would only last 10-15 years, but it has lasted 30, and it keeps going.
No excuses
His wife Mary is a runner, so she’s in the pool less often, but John continues to enjoy swimming a few times a week in the morning.
“You don’t want to have to drive a long way for a half-hour of exercise, so it’s great to have the pool right there,” John said. “It keeps us motivated – no excuses.”
- Find out more about our 400 series swim spa.
~ Authored by Kristine Chochrek
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Ultimate Swim Spa Guide
Practical tips for buying the best lap pool.